Location: Cleveland, OH
Client: Great Lakes Dock & Materials / USACE Buffalo District
Technologies: Multibeam Sonar, Mobile LiDAR, 3D Armor Unit Positioning System
Seaworks was tasked by Great Lakes Dock & Materials and the USACE Buffalo District with performing multibeam and LiDAR surveys for the USACE Cleveland East Breakwater Repair Project. Seaworks used a multibeam sonar and a vessel mounted LiDAR scanner to collect seamless, high-resolution point cloud data both above and below the waterline. This dataset was used to generate a Placement Plan submittal for the installation of precast, interlocking Dolosse blocks as well as layers of bedding and armor stone. Once the Placement Plan was approved by the USACE Buffalo District, it was used during the placement of the blocks while Seaworks continued to perform progress and post-surveys as work progressed. Seaworks also operated, maintained, and submitted daily data files using a Posibloc armor unit positioning system.